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Once we have finalised our energy project, we will be looking for people to invest - and we hope that most of you will be local.


We're also aiming to pay investors 4% interest on their community shares*. Sound too good to be true? We thought so too! But our business model and plans have been thoroughly tested by experts in these fields. 


Once our share offer is ready to launch, we will be letting everyone know about it but why not sign up here and we will let you know about this and all our other news...


Community shares are primarily for the benefit of the community. They are not like stock market shares that you can trade or cash in at any time. Your money is at risk and interest is not guaranteed. We are called "Test Source Community Energy Ltd" and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. For more details, see our website. We'd really love you to invest in our project, but please don't if you need the money or couldn't afford to lose it if things go unexpectedly awry.


Support us in other ways instead!

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